
Our Program

Lakeview preschool endeavours to provide your child with the best possible care and education by working in collaboration with the community, childcare associations, parents and children. Each child’s current knowledge, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of the program. Daily interactions, learning experiences, children’s development and events are documented and shared with families through the secure app and website Kinderloop - Online Early Childhood Programming & Documentation.

An educational program is implemented based on the Early Years learning Framework, a national framework which ensures quality and consistency in the delivery of early childhood education programs across all early childhood settings. The Early Years Learning Framework describes the principles, practice and outcomes essential to support and enhance young children’s learning from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school.

The Framework has a strong emphasis on play-based learning as play is the best vehicle for young children’s learning providing the most appropriate stimulus for brain development. The Framework also recognises the importance of communication and language (including early literacy and numeracy) and social and emotional development.

The success of our program relies heavily on the support of our families as they provide us with the valuable information required to meet their child’s needs. We work closely with families to bridge the gap between home life and preschool by forming trusting relationships and by creating a homely relaxed feel through the use of natural colours, timbers, plants, mood lighting, music and soft furnishings.

Lakeview Preschool educators pride themselves on delivering a program that embeds sustainability into each child’s daily life. We are driven in our goal to create a sustainable future for our children and work hard to teach the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling. Our learning environments are a reflection of our strong appreciation and love of nature, creating calm and relaxing play spaces for the children to explore natural materials and resources through play at their own pace.

A school readiness program is implemented in each of our three rooms. Starting in the Koala room (6 weeks – 2 years) where children are learning to form trusting relationships with educators, follow routines and simple self-help skills. In the Wallaby room (2 – 3 years) children are learning to interact with their peers, help with daily tasks, toilet train, follow simple instructions and participate in group time experiences. In the Platypus room (3 – 6 years) children are advancing in their independence and are taught to care for their belongings, put shoes on, dress self and use the bathroom independently. They are also learning to participate in team work, sit and concentrate on set tasks, develop a strong pencil grip, write their name, ask for help when needed and communicate their ideas and thoughts effectively. Educators work closely with children in their final year of preschool to ensure their transition to school is a positive experience.